The Philadelphia Phillies Reaffirm “Dancing On My Own” as Their Postseason Celebration Anthem

Entertainment, MLB Seattle

The Philadelphia Phillies have been celebrating their postseason wins with the same song for years now: Robyn’s “Dancing On My Own.” The team has reaffirmed the song as their official postseason celebration anthem, and it’s easy to see why.

The upbeat, feel-good track is the perfect way to celebrate a big win. It’s a great way to get the team and fans pumped up and ready to keep the party going. The lyrics are also fitting for the occasion, as they talk about having fun and not caring what anyone else thinks. That’s exactly how the Phillies feel after a big win.

The song has become an integral part of the team’s culture. It’s played in the locker room after every win and is often heard blaring from the speakers at Citizens Bank Park. It’s become a rallying cry for the team and its fans, and it’s a great way to show unity and support for the team.

The Phillies have been playing “Dancing On My Own” after every win since 2017, and it looks like it’s here to stay. It’s become an integral part of the team’s culture, and it’s a great way to celebrate their successes. So, if you’re ever at a Phillies game and they win, make sure to join in on the celebration and dance along to “Dancing On My Own.”

The Philadelphia Phillies Reaffirm