US Soccer Players Urge Congress to Reform SafeSport Center

Nation, Soccer Seattle

In recent months, US soccer players have been calling on Congress to reform the SafeSport Center, an organization that was created to protect athletes from abuse and misconduct. The SafeSport Center has been criticized for its lack of transparency and accountability, and for its slow response to reports of abuse.

The SafeSport Center was created in 2017 as part of the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee’s effort to protect athletes from abuse and misconduct. The Center is responsible for investigating allegations of abuse and misconduct, and for providing resources and support to victims. However, the Center has been criticized for its lack of transparency and accountability. For example, the Center does not publicly disclose the names of those accused of misconduct, nor does it provide information about the outcomes of investigations.

In addition, the Center has been criticized for its slow response to reports of abuse. According to a recent report by the US Government Accountability Office, the Center took an average of nearly five months to investigate complaints. This delay can be damaging to victims, as it can leave them feeling unsupported and without justice.

In response to these criticisms, US soccer players have called on Congress to reform the SafeSport Center. They are urging Congress to increase transparency and accountability at the Center, and to speed up its response time to reports of abuse. They also want Congress to provide more resources for victims, including counseling and legal services.

The US soccer players’ call for reform is part of a larger effort to protect athletes from abuse and misconduct. It is an important step in ensuring that athletes are safe and supported in their sport. It is also an important reminder that we must all work together to create a safe and equitable environment for all athletes.

US Soccer Players Urge Congress to Reform SafeSport Center