Seahawks’ Remaining Schedule: How It Compares to Other Playoff Contenders

NFL, Seahawks, Sports Seattle

The Seattle Seahawks have a tough road ahead of them if they want to make the playoffs this season. With just five games left in the regular season, the Seahawks have to face some of the toughest teams in the NFL. But how does their remaining schedule compare to other playoff contenders?

The Seahawks have a few tough opponents left on their schedule. They will face the Los Angeles Rams, San Francisco 49ers, and Arizona Cardinals twice each. The Rams and 49ers are both currently in the playoff hunt, while the Cardinals are in the hunt for the NFC West title. The Seahawks also have to face the New York Jets, who are currently in the hunt for a wild card spot.

The Seahawks have a slightly easier schedule than some of the other playoff contenders. The Rams and 49ers both have to face the New Orleans Saints, who are one of the best teams in the league. The Cardinals also have to face the Saints, as well as the Green Bay Packers and Chicago Bears. The Jets have to face the Buffalo Bills, who are currently in first place in the AFC East.

The Seahawks’ remaining schedule is not easy by any means, but it is not as difficult as some of the other playoff contenders. The Rams and 49ers have to face two of the best teams in the league, while the Cardinals have to face three of them. The Jets have to face a division leader.

The Seahawks will need to take advantage of their remaining schedule if they want to make the playoffs. They will need to win at least four of their five remaining games if they want to have a chance at making the postseason. If they can do that, they should be able to secure a spot in the playoffs.

The Seahawks’ remaining schedule is not easy, but it is not as difficult as some of the other playoff contenders. If they can take advantage of their remaining games, they should be able to make the playoffs this season.

Seahawks' Remaining Schedule: How It Compares to Other Playoff Contenders