NFL Upholds Fine, Sideline Ban for Eagles Security Chief DiSandro, According to AP Source

NFL Seattle

The National Football League (NFL) has upheld a fine and sideline ban for Philadelphia Eagles security chief, Dominic DiSandro, according to an Associated Press (AP) source. The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that DiSandro was fined $25,000 and barred from the sidelines for the remainder of the season.

The incident occurred during the Eagles’ Week 7 game against the Carolina Panthers. DiSandro was accused of making contact with an official during the game. The NFL’s investigation found that DiSandro had violated the league’s sideline conduct policy.

The Eagles released a statement following the announcement of the fine and ban, saying that they “respect the league’s decision and have no further comment at this time.”

DiSandro has been with the Eagles since 2013 and has been their security chief since 2017. He is responsible for ensuring that players, coaches, and staff adhere to league rules and regulations. He is also responsible for monitoring the sidelines during games.

This is not the first time that DiSandro has been disciplined by the NFL. In 2016, he was fined $10,000 for making contact with an official during a game between the Eagles and the New York Giants.

The NFL’s decision to uphold the fine and ban for DiSandro serves as a reminder that all personnel must adhere to the league’s rules and regulations. It is important for all team personnel to understand that any violation of these rules can result in serious consequences.

NFL Upholds Fine, Sideline Ban for Eagles Security Chief DiSandro, According to AP Source