Rubiales Engages in Unwanted Kiss with England Player at Women’s World Cup

Seattle Soccer

The 2019 Women’s World Cup has been full of surprises, but none more shocking than the incident that occurred between Spanish Football Federation President Luis Rubiales and England player Lucy Bronze. During a post-match ceremony, Rubiales engaged in an unwanted kiss with Bronze, leaving many people outraged.

The incident occurred after Spain’s 2-1 victory over England in the round of 16. As Bronze was receiving her medal, Rubiales leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. Bronze appeared to be taken aback by the gesture, and quickly stepped away from him.

The incident has sparked a lot of controversy, with many people criticizing Rubiales for his actions. Many feel that it was inappropriate for him to kiss a player without her consent, and that it was a violation of her personal space. Others have argued that it was simply a cultural misunderstanding, as kissing on the cheek is a common greeting in some parts of Spain.

Regardless of the intent behind the kiss, it is clear that it was not welcomed by Bronze. The Spanish Football Federation has since issued an apology for the incident, stating that Rubiales’ actions were not meant to be offensive or disrespectful.

The incident has highlighted the need for greater respect and understanding between cultures. It is important that we all take the time to learn about different cultures and customs, so that we can avoid situations like this in the future. It is also important to remember that everyone has the right to their own personal space and autonomy, and that no one should ever feel pressured or obligated to engage in any physical contact without their consent.

Rubiales Engages in Unwanted Kiss with England Player at Women's World Cup