Renton Woman with MS and Pacemaker Attempts to Make History by Completing Ironman Triathlon

Other Sports, Sports Seattle

A Renton woman with multiple sclerosis and a pacemaker is attempting to make history by completing an Ironman triathlon. Her name is Jessica Smith, and she is determined to prove that anything is possible.

Jessica was diagnosed with MS in her early twenties, and it has been a difficult journey ever since. She was told that she would never be able to do anything physical again, but Jessica refused to accept that. She decided to take up running, and eventually she was able to complete a half marathon.

Now, Jessica is attempting to make history by completing an Ironman triathlon. An Ironman triathlon consists of a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike ride, and a 26.2 mile run. It is one of the most grueling physical challenges in the world, and it requires an immense amount of dedication and determination.

Jessica is also living with a pacemaker, which adds an extra layer of difficulty to her challenge. Despite the odds, she is determined to prove that anything is possible. She has been training hard for the past year, and she is determined to finish the race.

Jessica’s story is inspiring people all over the world. She is showing that no matter what obstacles you face, you can still accomplish your goals. She is a true inspiration, and her story is one that will be remembered for years to come.

Jessica Smith is attempting to make history by completing an Ironman triathlon. Despite the odds, she is determined to prove that anything is possible. Her story is inspiring people all over the world, and she is showing that no matter what obstacles you face, you can still accomplish your goals.

Renton Woman with MS and Pacemaker Attempts to Make History by Completing Ironman Triathlon