Preserving Black Roots and Original Style of Hip-Hop Dance Form at Olympics: US Breaking Pros Push for Inclusion

Entertainment, Olympics Seattle

In recent years, the hip-hop dance form has become increasingly popular in the United States and around the world. As a result, many people are pushing for its inclusion in the Olympics. However, some are concerned that the original style of hip-hop dance will be lost in the process.

The U.S. Breaking Pros, a group of professional breakdancers, is leading the charge for the inclusion of breaking (also known as breakdancing) in the Olympics. They are committed to preserving the black roots of the dance form and ensuring that its original style is maintained.

The U.S. Breaking Pros have been working with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to create a set of rules that will ensure that the original style of hip-hop dance is respected and preserved. They are also advocating for the inclusion of other hip-hop dance forms, such as popping and locking, in the Olympics.

The U.S. Breaking Pros have also been working to educate people about the history of hip-hop dance and its importance to African American culture. They have been hosting workshops and events to spread awareness of the importance of preserving the original style of hip-hop dance.

In addition to advocating for the inclusion of hip-hop dance in the Olympics, the U.S. Breaking Pros are also working to create more opportunities for dancers to compete in breaking competitions. They are hoping to create a platform for dancers to showcase their skills and gain recognition for their hard work and dedication to the art form.

The inclusion of hip-hop dance in the Olympics would be a major milestone for the dance form and its practitioners. It would provide an opportunity for dancers to showcase their skills on a global stage and gain recognition for their hard work and dedication to the art form. It would also help to preserve the black roots of hip-hop dance and ensure that its original style is maintained.

The U.S. Breaking Pros are leading the charge for the inclusion of hip-hop dance in the Olympics and are committed to preserving its black roots and original style. Their efforts are helping to ensure that hip-hop dance will be respected and preserved for generations to come.

Preserving Black Roots and Original Style of Hip-Hop Dance Form at Olympics: US Breaking Pros Push for Inclusion