Pete Carroll Refuses to Blame Officials for Seahawks’ Loss to Cowboys, Describes Night as ‘Miserable’

NFL, Seahawks, Sports Seattle

The Seattle Seahawks had a tough night on Sunday, losing to the Dallas Cowboys 24-22. After the game, head coach Pete Carroll refused to blame the officials for the loss, instead describing the night as “miserable.”

The game was close throughout, with the Cowboys leading 17-14 at halftime. The Seahawks had a chance to take the lead late in the fourth quarter, but a controversial pass interference call against wide receiver Tyler Lockett derailed their drive. The penalty gave the Cowboys the ball back and they were able to run out the clock and seal the win.

After the game, Carroll was asked if he thought the officials had cost his team the win. He refused to blame them, saying, “I don’t think it was the officials’ fault. We had plenty of chances to win this game and we didn’t get it done.”

He went on to describe the night as “miserable” and said that his team had not played up to their potential. He also said that he was proud of his players for fighting until the end and that they would use this experience to get better.

It’s clear that Carroll is taking a mature approach to this loss. He could have easily blamed the officials for the outcome, but instead he chose to take responsibility for his team’s performance. This kind of leadership is what makes Carroll one of the best coaches in the NFL.

The Seahawks will look to bounce back next week when they take on the Arizona Cardinals. With Carroll at the helm, there’s no doubt that they will be ready to go and give it their all.

Pete Carroll Refuses to Blame Officials for Seahawks' Loss to Cowboys, Describes Night as 'Miserable'