MLB Widens Runner’s Lane to First Base, Changing Rule That Caused World Series Controversy

MLB Seattle

The Major League Baseball (MLB) has recently announced a rule change that could have a major impact on the game. Starting in the 2021 season, the runner’s lane to first base will be widened, potentially changing the outcome of close plays at the bag.

The rule change comes after a controversial play in the 2019 World Series. In Game 3, Houston Astros’ Jose Altuve was called out at first base after a throw from Washington Nationals’ catcher Kurt Suzuki. Replays showed that Altuve may have been safe, but the umpire ruled him out due to the runner’s lane being too narrow for him to reach the bag.

The new rule will widen the runner’s lane to first base from 15 inches to 18 inches. This will give runners more room to reach the bag and avoid contact with fielders. It also gives umpires more leeway when making close calls at first base.

The change is expected to have a major impact on the game. It could lead to more close plays being called safe, which could lead to more runs being scored. It could also lead to more aggressive base running, as runners will be able to take wider paths to first base without fear of being called out.

The rule change is a welcome one for many fans and players alike. It should lead to more exciting plays and more runs being scored. It also helps to ensure that close calls are made correctly, avoiding any further controversy like the one that occurred in the 2019 World Series.

Overall, the MLB has made a wise decision in widening the runner’s lane to first base. It should lead to more exciting plays and help ensure that close calls are made correctly. It’s a change that should be welcomed by all baseball fans.

MLB Widens Runner's Lane to First Base, Changing Rule That Caused World Series Controversy