Climate Activists Raise Concerns Over October Alpine Skiing World Cup Races on Glaciers

Seattle Sports

Climate activists are raising concerns over the upcoming October Alpine Skiing World Cup races on glaciers. The races, which will take place in Switzerland, Austria, and Italy, are set to be held on glaciers that are rapidly melting due to climate change.

The glaciers are home to some of the world’s most iconic ski resorts, but they are also some of the most vulnerable to climate change. The World Cup races will take place on the Rettenbach glacier in Austria, the Stelvio glacier in Italy, and the Diavolezza glacier in Switzerland.

Climate activists worry that the races will send a message that skiing on glaciers is safe and acceptable, when in reality, it is not. Glaciers are melting at an alarming rate due to rising temperatures caused by climate change. In the last 30 years, the Alps have lost nearly a third of their ice cover.

The International Ski Federation (FIS) has responded to these concerns by saying that the races will be held in a “sustainable manner” and that they will work with local authorities to ensure that the events are as eco-friendly as possible. However, many activists are still skeptical and argue that the FIS should be doing more to reduce its carbon footprint.

The FIS has also said that it is committed to reducing its environmental impact and is working to make its events more sustainable. However, climate activists argue that this is not enough and that more needs to be done to protect the glaciers from further damage.

The October Alpine Skiing World Cup races on glaciers will be a test of how serious the FIS is about protecting the environment. It remains to be seen whether the FIS will take meaningful action to reduce its carbon footprint or if it will continue to ignore the warnings of climate activists.

Climate Activists Raise Concerns Over October Alpine Skiing World Cup Races on Glaciers