Women’s World Cup Ticket Sales Reach 1.6 Million in Australia and New Zealand

Seattle Soccer

The 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup is proving to be a huge success, with ticket sales in Australia and New Zealand reaching 1.6 million. This is a remarkable achievement for the tournament, which is only the second time the event has been held in the region.

The tournament, which is being held in France, has seen a surge in interest in women’s football, with the tournament being broadcast in more than 200 countries. This has resulted in an increase in ticket sales, with the 1.6 million figure being a significant milestone.

The success of the tournament in Australia and New Zealand is a testament to the growing popularity of the sport in the region. It is also a reflection of the commitment from FIFA to promote the women’s game and provide more opportunities for female players to compete at the highest level.

The success of the tournament is also a result of the hard work of the local organising committee, who have worked tirelessly to ensure that the event runs smoothly. This includes ensuring that tickets are available to fans at an affordable price, as well as providing a range of activities and entertainment for fans to enjoy during their time at the tournament.

The success of the tournament is also a testament to the hard work of the players, who have worked hard to make sure that they are ready for the challenge of competing at the highest level. The dedication and commitment of these players has been an inspiration to many, and has helped to drive ticket sales for the tournament.

Overall, the success of the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup in Australia and New Zealand is a fantastic achievement for the sport. It is a testament to the hard work of those involved in organising and promoting the event, as well as the dedication and commitment of the players. With ticket sales reaching 1.6 million, it is clear that this tournament is set to be one of the most successful in history.

Women's World Cup Ticket Sales Reach 1.6 Million in Australia and New Zealand