What would the Mariners making the playoffs mean to you? We want to hear from you

Mariners, Sports Seattle

The Mariners are (almost) back in the playoffs. It’s (very, very likely) happening.

You — one of the Mariners’ most dedicated fans — have stuck with them through two decades of near-misses, rebuilds, futility and mediocrity. And you’re finally going to be rewarded with a return to the postseason, where anything can happen, for the first time since 2001.

What would the Mariners making the playoffs mean to you? We want to hear how you’re feeling!

Use the form below to share your fan experience. Here are some questions to guide the way:

  • How will you feel when they end the playoff drought?
  • What made you become a Mariners fan?
  • Where were you as a fan in 2001? What’s changed since?
  • What’s your favorite Mariners memory over the past 21 years? Who’s been your favorite Mariners player to watch?
  • Why is this the team to end the drought and what expectations do you have for them in the playoffs (if they get there)?

Twenty-one years is a long time, and we’d love to see (and share) your fan transformations. If you’ve got photos from a Mariners game or wearing Mariners gear from 2001 and comparable pics from this year, send them our way! Email your images to our sports producer, Chris Cole, at [email protected].