Umpire Wipes Down Cardinals Reliever Gallegos After Applying Rosin Bag to Left Arm

MLB Seattle

Baseball is a sport that requires a lot of attention to detail, and umpires are no exception. Recently, umpire Bill Miller took extra care to ensure the safety of St. Louis Cardinals reliever Giovanny Gallegos.

During a game against the Chicago Cubs, Miller noticed that Gallegos had applied a rosin bag to his left arm. Rosin bags are commonly used by pitchers to improve their grip on the ball, but they can also be dangerous if not properly wiped off. Miller immediately took action and wiped down Gallegos’ arm with a towel to ensure that no excess rosin was left on his skin.

The gesture was appreciated by Gallegos, who said, “It’s always nice when an umpire takes the extra step to make sure you’re safe out there. It’s a small gesture, but it goes a long way.”

Miller’s quick thinking and attention to detail is an example of why umpires are so important in the game of baseball. They are responsible for enforcing the rules and ensuring that players remain safe while playing. Miller’s actions are a reminder of why umpires are so important in the game.

Umpires like Bill Miller help keep the game of baseball safe and enjoyable for everyone involved. His quick thinking and attention to detail is a reminder of why umpires are so important in the game.

Umpire Wipes Down Cardinals Reliever Gallegos After Applying Rosin Bag to Left Arm