Ty France’s 10th Inning Heroics Preserve Mariners’ 9th Inning Lead

Mariners, MLB, Sports Seattle

On Tuesday night, the Seattle Mariners faced off against the Los Angeles Angels in a thrilling game that went into extra innings. In the top of the 10th inning, Ty France stepped up to the plate and delivered a clutch two-run home run that sealed the victory for the Mariners.

France’s heroics came after the Mariners had taken a lead in the bottom of the 9th inning. With two outs and two runners on base, France stepped up to the plate and delivered a two-run home run that put the Mariners ahead by three runs. The home run was France’s first of the season and it proved to be the difference maker in the game.

The Mariners’ bullpen was able to hold off the Angels in the top of the 10th inning, thanks in large part to France’s heroics. France’s home run gave the Mariners a much needed cushion and allowed them to close out the game with a win.

France’s performance was a reminder of why he is such an important part of the Mariners’ lineup. He has been one of the most consistent hitters on the team this season and his ability to come through in clutch situations has been invaluable.

The Mariners are now in a good position to make a run at the playoffs and France’s heroics will likely be remembered for a long time. His 10th inning home run was the difference maker in a crucial game and it helped preserve the Mariners’ 9th inning lead.

Ty France's 10th Inning Heroics Preserve Mariners' 9th Inning Lead