Seahawks’ Chances of Keeping Up with Geno Smith’s Turnovers in Jeopardy

NFL, Seahawks, Sports Seattle

The Seattle Seahawks have been struggling to keep up with the turnovers committed by quarterback Geno Smith. The veteran QB has thrown a total of nine interceptions in the last five games, and the Seahawks have been unable to capitalize on the mistakes. This has resulted in a 2-3 record in the last five games, and the team is now in danger of missing the playoffs.

The Seahawks have been relying heavily on Smith’s arm to move the ball downfield, but his turnovers have been costly. In the last five games, Smith has thrown four interceptions in the red zone, which has resulted in points for the opposing team. He has also thrown two interceptions in the fourth quarter, which have cost the Seahawks potential wins.

The Seahawks need to find a way to limit Smith’s turnovers if they want to stay competitive. The team should focus on improving their pass rush and coverage, as well as their offensive line play. This will help to limit the amount of time Smith has to make decisions and will help to reduce his turnovers.

The Seahawks also need to focus on their offensive playcalling. They should look to run the ball more often and use play action passes to keep defenses guessing. This will help to keep Smith from forcing throws into tight windows and will help to limit his turnovers.

The Seahawks need to find a way to limit Smith’s turnovers if they want to stay competitive. If they can do this, they should be able to make a run at the playoffs and compete for a championship. However, if they continue to struggle with Smith’s turnovers, their chances of success will be in jeopardy.

Seahawks' Chances of Keeping Up with Geno Smith's Turnovers in Jeopardy