Scott Dixon Secures IndyCar Championship Title for Ganassi with 1-2 Finish in Final Standings

Auto Racing Seattle

The 2019 IndyCar season has come to a close, and the champion of the year is none other than Scott Dixon. The New Zealander secured the championship title for Chip Ganassi Racing with a 1-2 finish in the final standings.

Dixon, who has been racing in IndyCar since 2002, has been a consistent force in the series for many years. He won his first championship in 2003 and has since gone on to become one of the most successful drivers in the history of the sport. This year, he was able to secure his fifth championship title, tying him with A.J. Foyt for the most championships in IndyCar history.

The 2019 season was a roller coaster ride for Dixon, as he was able to secure five wins and nine podiums throughout the year. He was also able to secure the championship title with a 1-2 finish in the final standings, beating out Alexander Rossi by just three points. It was a close race, but Dixon was able to come out on top in the end.

This championship title is a huge accomplishment for both Dixon and Ganassi Racing. Dixon has been with the team since 2009 and has been a key part of their success over the years. This championship title is a testament to his hard work and dedication to the sport.

The 2019 IndyCar season was an exciting one, and it’s great to see Scott Dixon and Chip Ganassi Racing come out on top. Congratulations to both of them on this amazing accomplishment!

Scott Dixon Secures IndyCar Championship Title for Ganassi with 1-2 Finish in Final Standings