Sapporo and JOC Decide to Withdraw 2030 Winter Olympics Bid, Aim to Bid for 2034 Games

Nation & World, Olympics Seattle

Recently, the city of Sapporo and the Japan Olympic Committee (JOC) have decided to withdraw their bid to host the 2030 Winter Olympics. This comes as a surprise to many, as Sapporo had been seen as a frontrunner for the games. The decision was made due to the current global pandemic, which has caused major disruptions to the sporting world.

Sapporo and the JOC have stated that they will instead focus on bidding for the 2034 Winter Olympics. This decision was made in order to give the city and committee more time to prepare for the games. Sapporo has a long history of hosting winter sports events, having hosted the 1972 Winter Olympics and the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships in 2007 and 2017.

The JOC has also stated that they are confident that Sapporo will be able to make a successful bid for the 2034 games. The city has already begun making preparations for the bid, including making improvements to its infrastructure and facilities. The JOC is also looking into ways to make the games more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

The decision to withdraw from the 2030 Winter Olympics bid has been met with mixed reactions from the public. Some have praised the JOC and Sapporo for their decision, citing the need for more time to prepare and the current global pandemic. Others have criticized the decision, arguing that it is a missed opportunity for Sapporo to host another major winter sports event.

Overall, the decision by Sapporo and the JOC to withdraw from the 2030 Winter Olympics bid is understandable given the current global situation. By focusing on bidding for the 2034 games, Sapporo will have more time to prepare and make sure that the games are as successful as possible. It will be interesting to see if Sapporo can make a successful bid for the 2034 Winter Olympics.

Sapporo and JOC Decide to Withdraw 2030 Winter Olympics Bid, Aim to Bid for 2034 Games