Sami Whitcomb of Seattle Storm Balances Motherhood and Professional Basketball: ‘It’s All Worth It’

Seattle Sports, Storm

Sami Whitcomb, a professional basketball player for the Seattle Storm, is a shining example of how to successfully balance motherhood and a career as a professional athlete. Whitcomb, who was drafted in 2018, is the proud mother of two children, ages three and one. Despite the challenges of being a working mother, Whitcomb has managed to maintain her role as a professional basketball player while also being an incredible mom.

In an interview with the Seattle Times, Whitcomb discussed how she manages to balance her career and motherhood. She explained that her family is her number one priority and that she makes sure to be present for her children as much as possible. When she is away from home for games or practices, she makes sure to FaceTime with her kids every day. She also makes sure to have quality time with them when she is home.

Whitcomb also discussed how she has been able to make her career work with her motherhood. She explained that she has had to make some sacrifices in order to make it all work, but that it is all worth it in the end. She has had to miss out on some team activities, such as team dinners, in order to be home with her children. She has also had to adjust her practice schedule so that she can be home in time for dinner and bedtime.

Despite the challenges of balancing motherhood and a professional career, Whitcomb has been able to make it work. She is a role model for other working mothers who are trying to make it all work. She is proof that it is possible to have a successful career and be a great mom at the same time. As Whitcomb said in her interview with the Seattle Times, “It’s all worth it.”

Sami Whitcomb of Seattle Storm Balances Motherhood and Professional Basketball: 'It's All Worth It'