Rich Eisen Reflects on 20 Years of NFL Network and Calling Chiefs-Dolphins Game on Sunday

Entertainment, NFL Seattle

Night Football

This Sunday marks the 20th anniversary of NFL Network, and it’s a milestone that’s not lost on its longest-tenured host, Rich Eisen.

Eisen has been with the network since its inception in 2003, and he’s seen it grow from a small cable channel to one of the most popular sports networks in the world.

This Sunday, Eisen will be calling the Kansas City Chiefs-Miami Dolphins game on Sunday Night Football, and he’s reflecting on the incredible journey he’s taken over the past two decades.

“It’s been an incredible ride,” Eisen said. “When I started at NFL Network, it was just a small cable channel. Now, it’s a global phenomenon. It’s been amazing to be a part of this journey and to see it grow into what it is today.”

Eisen has seen the network grow in many ways, from its programming to its reach. He’s also seen the NFL evolve over the years, with new rules and technology being implemented to make the game safer and more entertaining.

“The NFL has changed so much since I started at NFL Network,” Eisen said. “The rules have changed, the technology has changed, and the game has become even more exciting. It’s been great to be a part of that evolution.”

Eisen is also looking forward to calling the Chiefs-Dolphins game on Sunday night. He knows it will be an exciting matchup between two of the league’s top teams.

“I’m really looking forward to calling this game,” Eisen said. “The Chiefs and Dolphins are two of the best teams in the league, and it should be a great game. I can’t wait to see how it plays out.”

As he reflects on 20 years of NFL Network and prepares to call Sunday night’s game, Eisen is grateful for all that he’s experienced over the past two decades.

“I feel so lucky to have been a part of this journey,” Eisen said. “I’ve been able to witness some incredible moments in NFL history, and I look forward to many more in the years to come.”

Rich Eisen Reflects on 20 Years of NFL Network and Calling Chiefs-Dolphins Game on Sunday