Philadelphia 76ers Center Joel Embid Fined $35K for Obscene Gestures During Win Over Portland Trail Blazers

Seattle Sports

The Philadelphia 76ers have been on a roll lately, and their center Joel Embid has been a big part of that success. However, his recent actions have cost him dearly. During the 76ers’ win over the Portland Trail Blazers, Embid was fined $35,000 for making obscene gestures to the crowd.

The incident occurred in the fourth quarter of the game when Embid was fouled by Portland’s Jusuf Nurkic. Embid reacted angrily to the foul and made an obscene gesture to the crowd. He was given a technical foul for the gesture and was subsequently fined by the NBA.

Embid has since apologized for his actions, saying that he was “in the heat of the moment” and that he “didn’t mean to disrespect anyone.” He also said that he would use the incident as a learning experience and would strive to be better in the future.

The incident is just another reminder that professional athletes need to be aware of their actions on the court. Embid’s fine serves as a warning to other players that such behavior will not be tolerated. It also serves as a reminder to fans that they should show respect to players, regardless of whether they are on their team or not.

It is clear that Embid has learned his lesson and will be more mindful of his behavior in the future. The 76ers will be hoping that this incident does not affect their momentum as they continue their push for a playoff spot.

Philadelphia 76ers Center Joel Embid Fined $35K for Obscene Gestures During Win Over Portland Trail Blazers