Patrick Beverley of the Philadelphia 76ers Honors Bryce Harper for Wearing His Jersey at Game 7

Seattle Sports

of the World Series

When Philadelphia 76ers guard Patrick Beverley saw Bryce Harper wearing his jersey during Game 7 of the World Series, he was overwhelmed with emotion. Harper, a Philadelphia native and lifelong fan of the Phillies, wore Beverley’s jersey to show his support for the team and the city.

Beverley was so moved by the gesture that he took to Twitter to thank Harper for wearing his jersey. “I want to thank @BryceHarper3 for wearing my jersey at Game 7 of the World Series. It means a lot to me and I’m honored to have you represent my city and team. #PhillyLove #TrustTheProcess”

The gesture was not lost on Beverley, who grew up in Chicago and has been playing for the 76ers since 2018. He knows what it means to be a fan of a team and to show your support in a big way. He also knows what it means to be a part of a city that is passionate about its sports teams, and he was proud to see Harper show his love for Philadelphia in such a public way.

Harper’s gesture was also appreciated by the 76ers organization, who released a statement thanking him for his support. “We are proud to have Bryce Harper as part of our Philadelphia family. His passion and enthusiasm for the city and its teams is inspiring, and we are grateful for his support.”

It’s clear that Patrick Beverley and the 76ers organization are both appreciative of Bryce Harper’s gesture. It’s a reminder that sports can bring people together, even during tough times. It’s also a reminder that showing your support for your team and your city can make a big difference.

Patrick Beverley of the Philadelphia 76ers Honors Bryce Harper for Wearing His Jersey at Game 7