Nine People Detained by French Government Following Attack on Lyon Soccer Team Buses

Seattle Soccer

The French government has recently detained nine people in connection with an attack on two buses carrying the Lyon soccer team. The incident occurred on April 11th, when the buses were attacked by a group of masked individuals as they traveled to a match in the city of Dijon.

The French Interior Minister, Gérard Collomb, said that the nine people detained were all from the same area and were aged between 17 and 25. He added that the individuals had been identified through video surveillance footage and that they were being held for questioning.

The attack on the buses caused significant damage, with windows being smashed and tires punctured. Fortunately, no one was injured in the incident. The team was eventually able to make it to their match, but the incident has caused shock and outrage in France.

The French government has condemned the attack and has vowed to bring those responsible to justice. President Emmanuel Macron said that such an attack was “unacceptable” and that those responsible would be “severely punished”. He added that the government would do everything in its power to ensure the safety of all citizens.

The incident has sparked a debate in France about security and safety at sporting events. Many have called for increased security measures to be put in place to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. The French government has promised to look into the matter and take any necessary steps to ensure the safety of all citizens.

Overall, the attack on the Lyon soccer team buses is a shocking incident that has caused outrage in France. The French government has taken swift action by detaining nine people in connection with the attack and has vowed to bring those responsible to justice. It remains to be seen what measures will be taken to ensure the safety of all citizens in the future.

Nine People Detained by French Government Following Attack on Lyon Soccer Team Buses