NHLPA Introduces Program to Assist Players with Post-Hockey Career Preparation

Hockey Seattle

The National Hockey League Players’ Association (NHLPA) recently announced a new program to help players prepare for life after hockey. The program, called “Life After Hockey”, is designed to provide players with the resources and support they need to make a successful transition into a post-hockey career.

The program will focus on helping players develop the skills necessary to succeed in a variety of post-hockey career paths. This includes teaching players how to create resumes, network, and develop their own personal brand. The program will also provide players with access to mentors in various industries, as well as job placement assistance.

In addition to career preparation, the program will also focus on helping players adjust to life after hockey. This includes providing players with resources to help them cope with the emotional and physical changes that come with retirement. The program will also offer guidance on financial planning, health and wellness, and other lifestyle changes that come with retirement.

The NHLPA hopes that this program will help players make a successful transition into life after hockey. The program is part of the NHLPA’s larger commitment to helping players prepare for life after hockey. This includes providing players with access to financial advisors, career counselors, and other resources.

The NHLPA’s “Life After Hockey” program is an important step in helping players prepare for life after hockey. The program will provide players with the resources and support they need to make a successful transition into a post-hockey career. It is an important part of the NHLPA’s commitment to helping players prepare for life after hockey.

NHLPA Introduces Program to Assist Players with Post-Hockey Career Preparation