NFL Passing Yards Lowest in Opening Week Since 2014


The start of the 2019 NFL season has been a bit of a surprise for football fans. After a record-breaking 2018 season, many expected the passing yards to be higher than ever. However, the opening week of the season saw the lowest passing yards since 2014.

According to, the total passing yards in Week 1 were 2,845, which is the lowest total since 2014 when it was 2,822. This is a stark contrast to last season when the total passing yards in Week 1 was 3,611.

The decrease in passing yards can be attributed to a number of factors. For starters, the weather was very hot in many parts of the country during Week 1, which can make it difficult for quarterbacks to throw the ball accurately. Additionally, many teams have been focusing on running the ball more often this season, which could have contributed to the decrease in passing yards.

It’s too early to tell if this trend will continue throughout the season, but it’s certainly something to keep an eye on. If teams continue to focus on running the ball more often, it could lead to a decrease in passing yards for the entire season. On the other hand, if teams start relying more heavily on their passing game, we could see an increase in passing yards as the season progresses.

No matter what happens, one thing is for sure: the NFL is always full of surprises and it’s always exciting to watch. With the passing yards being so low in Week 1, it will be interesting to see how things develop as the season progresses.

NFL Passing Yards Lowest in Opening Week Since 2014