MLB Pitcher Condemns Teams for Continuing Alcohol Sales

MLB, Nation & World Seattle

Recently, Major League Baseball pitcher Trevor Bauer has taken a stand against teams that continue to sell alcohol at their stadiums. Bauer, who plays for the Cincinnati Reds, has expressed his disapproval of teams that continue to sell alcohol despite the fact that many fans are unable to attend games due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bauer’s comments came in response to a tweet from the Chicago Cubs, who announced that they would be selling beer at Wrigley Field during their upcoming series against the St. Louis Cardinals. Bauer responded to the tweet by saying, “It’s a shame that teams are still selling alcohol while fans are not allowed in the stands. It’s a slap in the face to those who can’t attend games.”

Bauer’s comments have sparked a debate about whether or not teams should be selling alcohol during the pandemic. Some argue that teams should be allowed to sell alcohol as it is an important source of revenue for them. Others, however, believe that teams should not be selling alcohol during the pandemic as it sends the wrong message and could potentially lead to more cases of COVID-19.

Bauer’s comments have also brought attention to the fact that many teams are struggling financially due to the pandemic. With fans unable to attend games, teams are losing out on important revenue sources such as ticket sales, concessions, and merchandise. While selling alcohol may help teams make up some of these losses, it could also be seen as a sign of disrespect to those who are unable to attend games due to the pandemic.

Overall, Bauer’s comments have sparked an important debate about whether or not teams should be allowed to sell alcohol during the pandemic. While teams need to make up for lost revenue, it is important to consider the message that selling alcohol could send to those who are unable to attend games due to the pandemic.

MLB Pitcher Condemns Teams for Continuing Alcohol Sales