Michigan Football Staffer Fired in Sign-Stealing Investigation: AP Source

Seattle Sports

A University of Michigan football staffer has been fired in connection with an investigation into the alleged sign-stealing scandal, according to an Associated Press source.

The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the staffer was fired on Monday after an internal investigation by the school. The source did not provide any further details about the staffer or the investigation.

The news comes just days after the school announced it had launched an investigation into allegations that members of the football staff had stolen signs from opposing teams. The allegations first surfaced in a report by The Athletic, which cited former players and coaches who said they had seen members of the staff stealing signs from other teams.

The school has not commented on the specifics of the investigation, but it did say in a statement that it takes allegations of cheating seriously and that it is committed to maintaining a culture of integrity.

The firing of the staffer is the latest development in a scandal that has rocked the college football world. The NCAA has launched its own investigation into the matter, and several other schools have been accused of similar sign-stealing practices.

It remains to be seen what other repercussions may come from the investigation, but it is clear that the University of Michigan is taking the allegations seriously and is taking steps to ensure that its football program is operating within NCAA rules.

Michigan Football Staffer Fired in Sign-Stealing Investigation: AP Source