Little League World Series Removes Bunk Beds After Player Suffers Head Injury

MLB Seattle

The Little League World Series is a beloved event for many baseball fans, but it recently made a major change to its rules after a player suffered a head injury. The Little League International Board of Directors recently voted to remove bunk beds from all dormitories used by players and teams participating in the tournament.

The decision was made after a player from the Dominican Republic was injured when he fell out of a bunk bed while sleeping in the dormitory. The player suffered a concussion and was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. Thankfully, he was released and is expected to make a full recovery.

The removal of bunk beds is an important step in ensuring the safety of players at the Little League World Series. Bunk beds can be dangerous, especially for younger children, and this incident highlighted the need for increased safety measures.

The Little League International Board of Directors also voted to increase the number of adult supervisors in the dormitories. This will help ensure that players are not engaging in any activities that could put them at risk of injury.

The Little League World Series is an important event for many young baseball players, and it is important that they are kept safe while participating in the tournament. The removal of bunk beds and increased supervision will help ensure that all players are safe and can enjoy the tournament without fear of injury.

Little League World Series Removes Bunk Beds After Player Suffers Head Injury