Gunnar Henderson’s Wild Throw Injures Cameraman at Yankee Stadium

MLB Seattle

On April 28th, 2021, Gunnar Henderson, a top prospect for the Atlanta Braves, made a wild throw during a game against the New York Yankees at Yankee Stadium. Unfortunately, the throw ended up injuring a cameraman who was standing behind the plate.

The incident occurred in the bottom of the third inning when Henderson was trying to throw out a runner at first base. The ball sailed over the first baseman’s head and into the stands behind home plate. It struck the cameraman, who was standing in the back of the press box, in the face.

The cameraman was immediately taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. Thankfully, he was released later that night with only minor injuries.

Henderson was visibly shaken by the incident and was seen apologizing to the cameraman as he was being taken away. After the game, he spoke to reporters about the incident and expressed his regret for what happened.

The incident has sparked a discussion about player safety in baseball. While it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of injury, some have suggested that teams should take extra precautions to protect players and spectators from wild throws.

In the meantime, everyone is wishing the cameraman a speedy recovery and hoping that nothing like this ever happens again.

Gunnar Henderson's Wild Throw Injures Cameraman at Yankee Stadium