Exploring the Pros and Cons of a Potential Pac-12 Deal with Apple: Identifying Risks, Benefits and Unanswered Questions

Cougar Football, Cougars, Huskies, Husky Football, Pac-12, Sports Seattle

The Pac-12 conference is currently in talks with Apple to create a new streaming service that would provide exclusive access to Pac-12 content. While this could potentially be a great opportunity for the Pac-12, it is important to consider the pros and cons of such a deal. In this article, we will explore the risks, benefits and unanswered questions associated with a potential Pac-12 deal with Apple.

One of the biggest risks associated with this deal is that the Pac-12 could be giving up too much control over its content. If Apple is given exclusive rights to stream Pac-12 content, the conference could lose out on potential revenue from other streaming services. Additionally, Apple could have the power to set prices for streaming services, which could potentially limit the Pac-12’s ability to maximize its profits.

On the other hand, there are also some potential benefits to this deal. For one, the Pac-12 could benefit from increased exposure if Apple’s streaming service is successful. Additionally, the Pac-12 could benefit from having access to Apple’s resources and technology, which could help them create a better streaming experience for fans.

Finally, there are still some unanswered questions about this potential deal. For example, it is unclear how much control Apple would have over the content and how much revenue the Pac-12 would receive from the deal. Additionally, it is unclear what kind of technology Apple would use to stream the content and how it would affect the user experience.

Overall, while a potential Pac-12 deal with Apple could be beneficial for both parties, it is important to consider all of the risks, benefits and unanswered questions before making a decision. It is essential that both parties weigh their options carefully and come to an agreement that is beneficial for all involved.

Exploring the Pros and Cons of a Potential Pac-12 Deal with Apple: Identifying Risks, Benefits and Unanswered Questions