Bulgarian Soccer Federation President Investigated by Prosecutors Following Violent Protests

Seattle Soccer

The Bulgarian Soccer Federation (BSF) is facing a difficult situation as its president, Borislav Mihaylov, is being investigated by prosecutors following violent protests. The protests were sparked by the BSF’s decision to suspend the country’s top-tier league due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The protests, which began on June 30th, saw fans of several teams storming the BSF headquarters in Sofia, Bulgaria. The fans were angry about the suspension of the league and demanded that Mihaylov resign. The protests quickly turned violent, with some fans throwing flares and fireworks at the building and police officers.

Following the protests, prosecutors launched an investigation into Mihaylov for possible criminal activity. It is alleged that he failed to take adequate measures to protect the BSF headquarters from the violent protests. Prosecutors are also looking into whether Mihaylov was involved in any financial irregularities related to the suspension of the league.

The investigation into Mihaylov has caused an uproar in Bulgaria. Many people are calling for his resignation, while others are defending him and saying that he was only doing what he thought was best for the league.

The situation has also caused a great deal of uncertainty for the future of Bulgarian soccer. It is unclear when or if the league will resume, and it is uncertain what will happen to Mihaylov if he is found guilty of any wrongdoing.

It is clear that the situation in Bulgaria is a difficult one, and it will take time before it is resolved. In the meantime, it is important that all parties involved remain calm and work together to ensure that the league can resume as soon as possible.

Bulgarian Soccer Federation President Investigated by Prosecutors Following Violent Protests