Brazilian Public Divided Over Neymar Surpassing Pelé’s Goal-Scoring Record

Seattle Soccer

The debate over whether Neymar has surpassed Pelé’s goal-scoring record has been raging in Brazil for months. Neymar, the Paris Saint-Germain forward, recently became the all-time leading scorer in Brazil’s national team with his 77th goal. This achievement has been met with both praise and criticism from the Brazilian public.

On one side of the debate are those who believe Neymar has earned the right to be called the greatest goal scorer in Brazil’s history. Neymar has been a consistent goal scorer for both club and country, and his 77 goals have come in just 103 appearances. He is also only 28 years old, so he could potentially score even more goals in the future. Supporters of Neymar point to his impressive goal-scoring record as proof that he has earned the title of Brazil’s greatest goal scorer.

On the other side of the debate are those who believe that Neymar has not yet surpassed Pelé’s record. Pelé scored 77 goals in 92 appearances for Brazil, and his record has stood for over 50 years. Supporters of Pelé argue that Neymar’s record should not be considered superior until he has played more matches and scored more goals than Pelé did. They also point to Pelé’s numerous other accomplishments, such as winning three World Cups, as evidence that he is still the greatest Brazilian goal scorer of all time.

The debate over who is the greatest Brazilian goal scorer is likely to continue for some time. While Neymar has certainly made a strong case for himself with his impressive goal-scoring record, it is clear that many Brazilians still consider Pelé to be the greatest of all time. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide who they believe is the greatest Brazilian goal scorer.

Brazilian Public Divided Over Neymar Surpassing Pelé's Goal-Scoring Record