Belgian and Swedish Soccer Fans to Pay Respects to Victims of Brussels Shooting at Match Venues

Seattle Soccer

The world of soccer has been rocked by the recent shooting in Brussels, Belgium. In response, Belgian and Swedish soccer fans will be paying their respects to the victims of the tragedy at upcoming match venues.

The shooting occurred on March 22nd in the Belgian capital, leaving at least 30 people dead and hundreds injured. The attack was carried out by three suicide bombers at the Brussels Airport and a metro station.

In response to the tragedy, Belgian and Swedish soccer fans have come together to pay their respects. At upcoming matches, fans will be holding a minute of silence before the start of the game. This will be a time to remember the victims of the attack and to show solidarity with those affected.

The Belgian Football Association (KBVB) has also announced that it will be donating €1 million to the victims’ families. This money will be used to help cover medical costs and other expenses related to the tragedy.

The KBVB has also encouraged fans to wear black armbands during matches as a sign of respect. This is a common practice in soccer, and it is a way for fans to show their support for those affected by the tragedy.

In addition, Swedish soccer clubs have announced that they will be donating money to the victims’ families as well. This is a sign of solidarity between the two countries, and it shows that soccer fans are united in their grief over the tragedy.

The Brussels shooting has had a profound effect on the world of soccer. Fans from Belgium and Sweden have come together to pay their respects to the victims of the attack. Through donations and moments of silence, they are showing their support for those affected by this tragedy.

Belgian and Swedish Soccer Fans to Pay Respects to Victims of Brussels Shooting at Match Venues