Auburn Fans Celebrate Return of Toomer’s Oaks Toilet Paper Tossing Tradition

Seattle Sports

Auburn fans are celebrating the return of a beloved tradition – the Toomer’s Oaks toilet paper tossing. The tradition began in the 1960s when Auburn fans would gather at Toomer’s Corner to celebrate big wins by throwing rolls of toilet paper into the trees. After a two-year hiatus, the tradition is back and better than ever.

The tradition was put on hold in 2013 after two oak trees at Toomer’s Corner were poisoned by an Alabama fan. The trees were removed and replaced with two new ones in 2015, but the tradition was not resumed until now. After a two-year wait, Auburn fans are now able to once again celebrate big wins by throwing toilet paper into the trees.

The return of the tradition has been met with great enthusiasm by Auburn fans. Thousands of fans have gathered at Toomer’s Corner to celebrate big wins and throw toilet paper into the trees. The tradition has been embraced by both students and alumni alike, and it has become a symbol of Auburn pride.

The return of the Toomer’s Oaks toilet paper tossing tradition is a reminder of how much Auburn fans love their school and their team. It is a reminder that no matter what happens, Auburn fans will always be there to support their team and celebrate their victories. The return of this beloved tradition is a cause for celebration for all Auburn fans.

Auburn Fans Celebrate Return of Toomer's Oaks Toilet Paper Tossing Tradition