All-Stars Share Their Thoughts on Cream Cheese on Hot Dogs at Media Day

Mariners, MLB, Sports Seattle

At the recent media day, all-stars from around the league gathered to share their thoughts on a unique topic: cream cheese on hot dogs. The debate has been raging for years, with some people firmly in the “yes” camp and others firmly in the “no” camp.

The first person to weigh in was Boston Celtics forward Jayson Tatum. He said he’s never tried cream cheese on a hot dog, but he’s open to it. He said he’s always been a fan of trying new things and he’s willing to give it a shot.

Houston Rockets guard James Harden was next. He said he’s definitely tried cream cheese on hot dogs and he loves it. He said it adds a unique flavor and texture that you can’t get from any other condiment.

Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James was the last to weigh in. He said he’s tried cream cheese on hot dogs before and he loves it. He said it adds a nice creamy texture that you can’t get from any other condiment.

It looks like the debate over cream cheese on hot dogs is still going strong. While some people are firmly in the “yes” camp, others are firmly in the “no” camp. It looks like it’s up to each individual to decide for themselves whether or not they want to try cream cheese on their hot dogs.

All-Stars Share Their Thoughts on Cream Cheese on Hot Dogs at Media Day