Alex Wennberg and Wife’s Criticism of Kraken’s Social-Media Promotion Leads to “Learning Moment”

Hockey, Kraken, Sports Seattle

Recently, NHL star Alex Wennberg and his wife, Hannah, have been vocal about their criticism of Kraken Rum’s social-media promotion. The couple was unhappy with the way the company was using their images to promote the product without their permission.

In response to the criticism, Kraken Rum has issued an apology and is now taking steps to ensure that all of their social-media promotions are done with the consent of the individuals involved. They have also stated that they are using this as a “learning moment” to ensure that similar situations do not occur in the future.

This situation serves as an important reminder that companies should always seek permission from individuals before using their images or likenesses in any form of promotion. It is also a reminder that companies should be aware of the potential consequences of not doing so.

In addition, it is a reminder that companies should always strive to be respectful and mindful of the people they are promoting. This includes respecting their privacy and not using their images or likenesses without their permission.

Overall, this situation serves as an important reminder for companies to be mindful of how they use social-media to promote their products. It is also a reminder that companies should always seek permission from individuals before using their images or likenesses in any form of promotion.

Alex Wennberg and Wife's Criticism of Kraken's Social-Media Promotion Leads to