George Kittle Fined $13,000+ for T-Shirt Insulting the Dallas Cowboys

NFL Seattle

Recently, San Francisco 49ers tight end George Kittle has been fined a hefty sum of $13,326 for wearing a t-shirt that insulted the Dallas Cowboys. The t-shirt in question featured a picture of Kittle with the words “Pay Me” written across the front. This was a direct reference to the Cowboys’ failed attempt to trade for Kittle during the 2018 NFL Draft.

The NFL has a strict policy against players making any sort of derogatory comments about other teams, and this t-shirt was seen as a direct violation of that policy. The league has also made it clear that they will not tolerate any form of disrespect towards other teams, and Kittle’s t-shirt was seen as a direct violation of that policy.

Kittle has since apologized for his actions, and has stated that he was unaware of the league’s policy against such behavior. He also stated that he did not mean to disrespect the Cowboys or their fans in any way. Despite his apology, the NFL still felt that Kittle needed to be punished for his actions and thus fined him the hefty sum of $13,326.

This incident serves as an important reminder to all NFL players that they must be aware of the league’s policies and respect their opponents at all times. The NFL is a competitive league and while it is understandable that players may become emotional during games, they must always remember to keep their emotions in check and show respect to their opponents.

George Kittle Fined $13,000+ for T-Shirt Insulting the Dallas Cowboys