NFL Teams Prepare for Intense Heat During Training Camps

NFL Seattle

As the summer months approach, NFL teams are preparing for the intense heat that will come with training camps. With temperatures reaching triple digits in some areas, coaches and players must take extra precautions to ensure their safety and performance.

The first step in preparing for the heat is to adjust practice schedules. Coaches are now scheduling practices earlier in the day to avoid the hottest part of the day. This allows players to get the most out of their workouts without putting themselves at risk of heat exhaustion or dehydration.

In addition to adjusting practice schedules, teams are also providing extra hydration and cooling stations. These stations provide players with cold water, electrolyte drinks, and ice packs to help them stay cool and hydrated during practices.

Players are also encouraged to wear light, breathable clothing during practices. This helps to keep their bodies cool and prevents them from overheating. Additionally, teams are providing special cooling vests that can be worn during practices to help regulate body temperature.

Finally, teams are also providing extra medical staff on hand during practices. This allows for quick treatment of any player who may become overheated or dehydrated during practice.

Overall, NFL teams are taking extra precautions to ensure their players stay safe and perform well during training camps this summer. By adjusting practice schedules, providing extra hydration and cooling stations, encouraging players to wear light clothing, and providing extra medical staff, teams are doing their best to keep their players safe and healthy in the intense heat.

NFL Teams Prepare for Intense Heat During Training Camps