Hašek Calls for Russian Condemnation of War in Ukraine or Risk Disqualification from Paris Olympics

Hockey, Olympics Seattle

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) president, Thomas Bach, has called on Russia to condemn the war in Ukraine or risk being disqualified from the upcoming Paris Olympics. The call was made by IOC member and Czech Republic Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, who is also the chair of the European Union’s Council of Ministers.

Babiš said that Russia must condemn the war in Ukraine and take steps to end it or they will be disqualified from the Paris Olympics. He said that the IOC will not tolerate any country that is involved in a conflict that is not in line with the Olympic Charter.

The IOC has previously taken action against countries that have been involved in conflicts, such as banning Russia from the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea due to its involvement in the war in Ukraine.

The war in Ukraine has been ongoing since 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea and began supporting pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. Since then, more than 13,000 people have been killed and more than 1.5 million have been displaced.

Babiš said that Russia must take steps to end the war and show its commitment to peace before it can be allowed to participate in the Paris Olympics. He said that the IOC will not accept any country that is involved in a conflict that is not in line with the Olympic Charter.

The IOC has also called on Russia to stop its support for pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine and to stop its military operations in the region. The IOC has also urged Russia to cooperate with international organizations and to respect international law.

The IOC’s call for Russia to condemn the war in Ukraine or risk being disqualified from the Paris Olympics is a strong message that the IOC will not tolerate any country that is involved in a conflict that is not in line with the Olympic Charter. It is a reminder that the Olympic Games are a symbol of peace and unity and any country that does not adhere to these values will not be allowed to participate.

Hašek Calls for Russian Condemnation of War in Ukraine or Risk Disqualification from Paris Olympics